Don't Believe Your Bank Balance Says Anything About You.

Is there a thought that your wholeness depends on money (or any other external object for that matter)?

Is that thought generating an unpleasant feeling inside your body?

Can you be the indestructible being you are and let go of such thoughts and feelings?

As this indestructible being, is it clear that everything is perfect as it is and nothing is missing?

Is it clear that the lack of money story was just making you worried because you felt it said something about you?

The story was really that YOU were lacking, imperfect and fragmented and that money would fix this somehow.

It may be true that your mind and body need more money, but that is no reflection on YOU.

No amount of money can fix the sense of lack that arises because of believing to be imperfect, a fragment and separate.

The money is not there to fix your existential fear arising from identifying as a person.

It is there to support your physical actions based on your sense of wholeness arising from realising the real you is not a separate person.

The money is not a drug to fix your existential angst.

It is a tool to express your happiness.

There is always something that can be done to obtain money.

A next step arises from wholeness.

As long as positive action is taken and you show up for the Universe it will show up for you.

The key is not to believe that the size of your bank balance says anything about YOU.

And recognise that it is that belief that triggers anxiety, not the lack of money.

Money is never a solution to existential fear.

Don’t make it so.

Realise that the only solution to existential fear is to find the answer to the question of who is frightened.

Investigating that question brings you back to the realisation of the real YOU.

That is always perfect, whole and at peace.

No matter what the circumstances.


I offer online sessions in the understanding of our innate Oneness and its life-affirming qualities. Additionally, I provide a certified Oneness study program for therapists and coaches and individual therapy for specific issues, including trauma. I emphasise the following:

Oneness is simple and naturally part of everyday experience, available to everyone freeing us from existential fear and revealing our innate life-affirming nature

Understanding can come through brief interventions that are internalised with a little practice, and it is not necessary to endlessly follow teachers

Healing happens naturally over time, as our minds and bodies feel safe, with additional psychotherapy sometimes speeding up the process.

Needs continue, and maintaining mental and physical well-being is crucial for daily life, but, without unnecessary fear or personalisation getting in the way.

Freedom to engage in inspired, impersonal activities becomes the basis of activity and the appreciative enjoyment of daily life.

Please be in touch if you would like to find out more.




Visualise The Whole Universe As Your Safe Inner Child.


The Heart Is The Teacher