Visualise The Whole Universe As Your Safe Inner Child.

Do you know this is not true?

What is the colour of safety for you?

Visualise and feel the whole Universe as your inner child pervaded by a fine mist of this healing colour of safety.

See his fine mist of safety as you.

Feel the whole Universe is your safe inner child.

Your child the body became fearful because she thought she was you and she was separate from everything that was potentially a threat.

But she is not you; you are her, and she is not separate from the whole Universe. The entire Universe is "inside" you, this Awareness that is aware of it.

Feel totally safe as you visualise the whole Universe as your inner child pervaded by a healing mist of safety.

Feel this safety as love for everything.

It is all you functioning as one giant safe organism.

Do not try and control this universal inner child, but let it be as it is

Feel every morsel of it is now coloured with the fine mist of safety that is you.

After a while, the colour of this fine mist becomes transparent, but its power of safety remains as it imbues everything.

So you can still feel the whole Universe is your safe inner child.

Everything that is happening in the Universe is your safe inner child.

You don't know it is not.

Allow any contracted energy in the body to dissolve as she realises she is part of the whole universal inner child that is safe.

Let her feel relaxed in this safety.

Let safety pervade everything.

Realise you are this safety incarnate.

You do not know you are not.

Feel love for the whole Universe as your inner child.

Realise all minds can feel safe, too.

If they realise their source is the Universal Parent of Awareness, that is everything, and the whole Universe is their inner child.

In this safety do not rush or force but allow.

Allow thoughts that express fundamental safety to emerge.

Act only on these thoughts.




The Universal Family


Don't Believe Your Bank Balance Says Anything About You.